Flower Baskets Fundraiser Underway

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Once again, the Chamber is partnering with Tozier Brothers Ace Hardware for a flower basket fundraiser to support beautification efforts. From now until April 25 (or while supplies last), community members, business owners, and local organizations can get their very own 14-inch flower basket for $59.99+ tax. These also make great gifts and will be made available for pick up at Toziers on Friday, April 28 – just in time for Mother’s Day!

Click here to reserve your basket(s) now.

The colorful, lush flower baskets are a slightly smaller version of the community flower baskets displayed on roadways for the summer season. All proceeds from the flower basket fundraiser go towards continuation of the project.

There is a tremendous cost in materials, maintenance, and manpower to upkeep the summer and winter décor and funding for this program is raised exclusively through our annual campaign. The Chamber relies on the generosity of our community to help us make this point of pride a reality. Donations can be made toward beautification overall or, for $275 each, sponsorship of a community flower basket can be made by a business or designated in memoriam of a loved one. The amount collected this year will determine how many baskets will be hung the following year.

Please consider making a gift to help us meet our $25,000 goal! In addition to the flower basket fundraiser, general donations can be made to the Chamber Foundation via PayPal. We are so thankful for our community partners; City of Shelton, Hood Canal Communications, and Mason PUD3 for assisting the Chamber in this project. Without them, and community members like yourself, our streets wouldn’t look nearly as beautiful.

For more information on the Chamber Foundation Beautification Project, please contact us at (360) 426-2021 or foundation@masonchamber.com.