Chamber Communications Change

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Shelton-Mason Chamber Communication Plan

On a weekly basis, more than a thousand community members across Mason County receive an electronic newsletter from the Chamber. While readership rates remain consistent, we began to question, how important is this? Is the content worthy of your time? It is important that you get information in a timely matter and we want to better communicate how the Chamber is working on your behalf.

With that in mind, we’ve decided to focus upon the quality—not the quantity—of news we share. Don’t worry! We will keep you informed and make sure you can find information where it’s convenient for you. Moving forward, here is what you can expect in the way of messaging from the Chamber. We are always looking for ways to connect with our members in a meaningful way to inspire new ideas and provide insights that benefit your business.

Rather than sending a large array of weekly news updates, we are adopting a new format that will be easier to digest. The information we share from here forward will be delivered in a way that aligns with our purpose—to be a catalyst for business growth, a convener of leaders and influencers, and a champion of our community.

  • A new email newsletter, titled On Your Behalf, will arrive monthly in your inbox, focusing upon the advocacy work the Chamber is doing. We are a catalyst for economic development and pro-business partnerships – we want you to know what we are doing on your behalf! We will summarize important briefings and resources relevant to area businesses and the community. In this newsletter, we will also include a snapshot of the most engaging posts from our social media channels and highlight top news items. It is our hope this new format will increase transparency, readership, and allow members a direct avenue to provide feedback about the Chamber’s ongoing work. This communication resource will continue to come from
  • Special emails will still be sent out to announce the Chamber’s signature events and to remind you about educational programs and ribbon cuttings. All event-based communications will be sent from so you can easily identify them. If you’d also like to receive .ics calendar appointments via email, just let us know by emailing us at that address. Chamber events will be listed both on our community calendar and on Facebook event pages.
  • Chamber news will be posted in real-time to; our recently redesigned website is the hub for anything business related in Mason County. You can find news about COVID-19 recovery, announcements about community happenings, promotions and hot deals, as well as explore what we do and who we are.
  • Information will also continue to be shared on social media. We are sharing on a daily basis what our members are doing and distributing important local news; be sure to like us on Facebook. We’ve also created a Chamber Members-Only Group as place to interact with each other, share resources, ask questions, give tips, offer praise, and support one another. Join today!
  • We will continue to produce Business Matters. The print publication will resume quarterly distribution this fall and is mailed as an insert of the Shelton-Mason County Journal with a readership of more than 24,000, as well as distributed to our members to share in their lobbies, waiting rooms, and cashiering stations. Advertising is available exclusively to members and each issue contains Chamber member directory. If you would like more information on advertising or wish to submit a guest expert article, email Deidre Peterson.

Our monthly electronic newsletter will recap ways we are working as a catalyst. Emails will ensure we convene leaders in-person or online for celebrations, educational programs, and promotions within our business community. The Chamber will continue to champion our community online. We invite you to engage with us anytime. Email or call us at (360) 426-2021 with any questions or comments. We love to hear from you!