Advertise in Business Matters

Business Matters is designed to feature Chamber member businesses, issues that impact businesses, community activities, and more. Each issue has specific topics and themes and highlights Chamber members as well as the Chamber’s efforts as a champion for the community.

Advertising is exclusive to Chamber members. To provide affordable options, the Chamber offers several ad sizes. An additional discount is offered to advertisers who commit to a four-issue placement. For more information contact the Chamber at You may also view past issues online with Issuu.

Readership is more than 21,000 and each issue includes:

  • 32+ large format pages, in a full color layout
  • Exclusive ad placement for Chamber members
  • Membership directory, stories and content that focus on
    Mason County’s events, businesses and our community

Plus, it’s ONLINE where your ad is linked to your website – at no additional cost!

Use the form below to submit your advertising reservation or click here to download the reservation form. Please note that our Tier 1 & 2 members have ad placements in Business Matters included as part of their annual membership package. For information about upgrading your investment level, contact Deidre Peterson at

Reserve Your Space Now

Payment terms are per issue. When committing to advertise in multiple issues, you may choose to pay in advance for all four issues or be billed separately for each issue.
See art preparation and file formats details on the advertising reservations form. Print-ready deadlines are also published online at
I, the applicant, and the business I represent understand and agree to the terms outlined above. I further understand that the Chamber has final editorial control and reserves the right to refuse publication and/or may elect not to publish my marketing, in whole or in part, for any reason.

Issue Topics and Deadlines

IssueReservation DeadlinePrint-Ready DeadlineDistribution Date*Topics & Themes Highlighted
Volume 7; Issue 13/14/20253/21/20254/3/2025Spring cleaning for businesses, real estate trends, wellness, and landscaping
Volume 7; Issue 25/30/20256/6/20256/19/2025Outdoor recreation, hospitality, and seasonal tourism
Volume 7; Issue 38/22/20258/29/20259/4/2025Education, industry insights and workforce development, business awards
Volume 7; Issue 411/7/202511/14/202511/20/2025Holidays, shopping and retail, year-end giving

*Distribution dates are subject to change without notice.

Advertising Dimensions & Pricing

Placement OptionsDimensions (Width & Height)Single Placement: Cost/IssueFour issue:
Four issue:
Back Panel9.85” x 15.375”$1,995$1,796$798
Inside Panel9.85” x 15.375”$1,260$1,134$504
Full Page9.85” x 15.375”$995$896$398
1/2 Page9.85” x 7.6”$550$495$220
1/4 Page4.84” x 7.6”$290$261$116
1/8 page
(Business Card)
4.84” x 3.72”$185$167$74